On Mon, 24 Apr 2017 09:33:46 -0400,
Ric Moore<wayward4...@gmail.com> wrote:

>On 04/22/2017 03:53 PM, Andreas Ronnquist wrote:
>> This is on Xfce, Debian stable with some backports (Kernel and Nvidia
>> drivers), Geforce 1070 graphics card, two monitors connected,
>> 2560x1440
>> + 1920x1200.
>> My Xfce Mouse & pointer settings has pointer size set to 16, and Xfce
>> DPI is set to 96.
>> Where should I start to look for problems?  
>Does the cursor increase in size from one monitor to the next?? Ric

Not in a way that I don't expect, the bitmap is the same, but the
different screens have different pixel size, so it looks smaller on my
bigger screen. (This is not part of my problem).

My problem is where it is a completely different mouse
image (different size) depending on where on the screen I have the
mouse - 

I have uploaded an (somewhat bad) image of the different mouse sizes


-- Andreas Rönnquist

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