Nicolas George:
> L'octidi 28 germinal, an CCXXV, GiaThnYgeia a écrit :
>> Don't expect "Debian" to respond to you, it is like talking to the Borg
> You realize Debian is not a person, right?

You realize GiaThnYgeia is not a person either, right?

I do relaize that there may be practical/financial barriers for Debian
not to have official spokespeople speaking for Debian and as Debian, but
this reality should not dismiss any and all criticism.  Political
responsibility lies on the organization to respond to criticism or allow
it to rest as valid and unanswered.  Of course you, as an outsider,
anyone, can respond to criticism and defeat it with a better argument.
In such an occasion this criticism is dismissed as stronger
counterarguments now exist.

This is the very fundamental principle of a "free" society.  It is the
fundation of the "non-free" society to disrupt any and all arguments,
dismiss criticism, and enforce silence by force.

In the case of Lisi's efforts, trying to deviate from a real issue and
criticism and derail the whole critical argument, as the result of an
irrelevant fault, is irrelevant itself to the criticism.  It does not
matter if Lisi heard of Debian yesterday or is the original writer of
unix/linux/debian.  The response was political and illogical, and a
cheap trick to deviate from an issue.

Criticism when is constructive it is intended to improve on the existing
not to undermine it or hurt it.  Only when Debian can not be undermined
by any criticism and all of it is answered by logical arguments will we
be talking of not just a good system, but the best.

And despite which of us here says what I just said, we, as GiaThnYgeia,
stand behind this argument.

PS  The reference to the Borg if perceived as a negative
characterization it would be based on your (plural) bias and perception.
 Beyond the debate of good and evil, what's wrong with the Borg anyway?
Just because the Evil Empire turned against it as a whole does not make
the Borg bad! ;)

The rest of yas, why don't you chill out a bit, unless you are looking
for a reaction to black-list me off "your" list.  If you can't respond
to criticism just be quiet then!  If you feel Debian is better off
without me just argue that point and if you are right I promise to
remain silent, which is the same as reading the list off of its archive.

PS2  If you missed what the point of criticism was let me know and I
will repeat.  Just snipping text off of a response (and context) will
not make it go away.

 "The most violent element in society is ignorance" rEG

"Who died and made you the superuser?"  Brooklinux

"keep rocking in the non-free world" Neilznotyoung

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