On Mon, 10 Apr 2017 07:51:56 +0100
Abdelkader Belahcene <abelahc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My  machine  has another name than localhost like lite.bela.umbb,
> when I install mysql, it always takes the the localhost as the name
> of the machine. this yields in a problem for me, when I use for
> example wordpress and I want a remote connection.  because the
> localhost stored in DB is irrelevant from a remote machine.
> The question is : how to force mysql to use the name of my machine
> instead of localhost  for mysql server

Mysql does not have or need a machine name. What problem are you having?
What are you trying to do and what error messages are you getting?

If it is a problem with mysql account privileges, then change them.

Mysql user privileges depend on the name of the user and the name of
the machine the user is connecting *from*. The name of the machine that
mysql is running on is irrelevant, and would be needed only when
setting up the connection on the remote machine using the mysql server's


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