Hi, i adopted the idea of a dry run for educational purposes. It demonstrates in detail what make_isombr_part would do to the storage device.
With debian-8.7.1-i386-xfce-CD-1.iso on /dev/sdc: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ./make_isombr_part /dev/sdc auto 83 dry_run Note: Storage capacity of '/dev/sdc' : 3915776 blocks Dry run suppressed writing of 16 bytes to byte address 478 : 478 : 00 ff ff ff 83 ff ff ff 00 38 14 00 00 88 27 00 Note: Omitted MBR partition slot 3, type 0x83, start 1325056, blocks 2590720 Dry run suppressed writing of 32 bytes to byte address 0 : 0 : 33 ed 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 16 : 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 Note: Spared APM signature Dry run suppressed writing of 8 bytes to byte address 512 : 512 : 77 61 73 20 67 70 74 20 Note: Spared GPT signature at block 1 Dry run suppressed writing of 8 bytes to byte address 678428160 : 678428160 : 77 61 73 20 67 70 74 20 Note: Spared GPT signature at block 1325055 $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- In contrast to a wet run: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ./make_isombr_part /dev/sdc auto 83 Note: Storage capacity of '/dev/sdc' : 3915776 blocks Note: Wrote MBR partition slot 3, type 0x83, start 1325056, blocks 2590720 Note: Wrote APM signature Note: Wrote GPT signature at block 1 Note: Wrote GPT signature at block 1325055 $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The downloadable files have been updated. Source: http://scdbackup.webframe.org/make_isombr_part.c MD5 7f922c2dda85814a5a0210c2ad4e6cfb Compile by cc -g -Wall -o make_isombr_part make_isombr_part.c amd64 executable binary: http://scdbackup.webframe.org/make_isombr_part MD5 56de878a525c4e642fa7b2fac14dea82 Have a nice day :) Thomas