Brian <> writes:

> There are two other questions in the mail you are responding to. You 
> have not dealt with them. I'll repeat them for reference:
>  > From where did you get the necessary drivers?
>  > Is there any sign of "gstoraster" in your error_log?

Sorry...  No, no gstoraster in error_log.  From UnifiedLinuxDriver_1.02.tar.gz
I extracted ML-191xspl2.ppd and copied it in a subdirectory of my home
directory, and the file rastertosamsungspl that I copied into

> You have rastertosamsungspl as a filter. It needs to be given raster
> data. It looks like it is being given PostScript - so the filter stops.
> Also provide the outputs of
>  cat /etc/cups/ppd/ppd_for_the printer | grep NickName

Here it is:

# cat Samsung_ML-191x_252x_Series.ppd | grep NickName
*ShortNickName: "ML-191x 252x"
*NickName:      "Samsung ML-191x 252x Series"

> and 
>  cat /etc/cups/ppd/ppd_for_the printer | grep cupsFilter
> You will probably have to be root to get these.


# cat Samsung_ML-191x_252x_Series.ppd | grep cupsFilter
*cupsFilter:  "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 rastertosamsungspl"

What now?  Thanks...


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