
On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 01:25:20PM +0100, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 12:16:54PM +0000, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> > This thread is a great example of why I really despise debian-user 
> > sometimes.
> > There's no reason to be so hostile, you simply disagree with each other. 
> > This
> > list is too toxic a lot of the time. Please either post friendly and
> > constructively or not at all.
> A pity indeed. Sometimes threads become "rotten": this seems to be an example
> of that. I try to just ignore those.

It can be useful to note the names of people who can't seem to
prevent themselves from writing argumentative and massively
off-topic responses over and over again. It's a relatively small but
vocal list.


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