On 03/17/2017 08:47 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
As I have limited bandwidth, I install from DVDs.
Also I frequently experiment with various options by doing a fresh
install to a different partition.
It is annoying to keep re-scanning a set of 13 DVDs.
Where is the information stored?
/etc/apt/sources.list is obvious, but where is the data about contents
of each DVD stored?

It had been suggested that all the needed information might be in
the /var/lib/apt directory

It ain't :{

I'll scan the DVD's as I have an immediate need to add several packages to my current active install.

About 18 months to 2 years ago someone had suggested in a totally unrelated thread a brute force method to trace file modifications which are either undocumented or incompletely documented. I'll search my personal archives for that methodology and apply it.

As I have time available, I'll try to document the validity of any extension of that approach. Don't expect posts in the near term to this thread as I have projects with higher priority. Even for a retiree there only so many hours in a week ;/

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