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> On Mar 17, 2017, at 12:57 PM, Lisi Reisz <> wrote:
> Not, it isn't.  Debian is for experts, or would-be experts, or those who will 
> never be experts but like to pretend.

I strongly disagree. The point of a genuinely free and open operating system is 
accessibility at all levels. Debian is more difficult than some other systems 
not because it is meant for experts, but because of the dedication to the core 
concepts of FOSS. Or, why the non-free repository is not included in a standard 
installation source list. 
> Yes, we were.  And we either managed, had help (I had a lot AND used Libranet 
> (an easier true derivative - used Debian sources, but pinned) or used a 
> derivative.  

You used Libranet, too? Are you still in touch with Tal? That was my favorite 
distro EVER. The only real help I ever got was in the Libranet beta testing 
group, for that last release that never made it because John was so ill. 

> We neither expect nor demand that Windows be installable by all and sundry, 
> from scratch, on an empty machine.

We don't? It's a lot more idiot proof than Debian.


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