On Mon 30 Jan 2017 at 22:31:28 (+0000), Jonathan de Boyne Pollard wrote:
> Felix Miata:
> >At what point exactly within either of those videos does 80 by 25
> >appear? All I saw anywhere appeared to be in the vicinity of 240
> >by 67.
> I think that I have put my finger on the source of your perplexity.
> Remember where M. Oss said the following?
> Mattia Oss:
> >This can be seen in the 3rd video.
> There's a third video, and it appears in the third video. It's
> definitely 80*25 VGA text mode in that third video.

Yes, there were three videos originally, viz.

16199062 goo-1-line-7-boot-4.8.0-1-amd64.mkv
15994161 goo-2-line-1-boot-4.9.0-1-amd64.mkv
10878351 goo-3-line-1-boot-text-4.9.0-1-amd64.mkv

(though I guess the precise lengths my depend on the software used to
download them?)

But that only translated to two youtube videos, viz.

4587493 you-1-line-7-linux-image-4.8.0-1-amd64.bootvideo-NLWB7FyV7jU.mp4
5927576 you-2-line-4-linux-image-4.8.0-2-amd64.bootvideo-Nc1lgpdgaxQ.mp4

I don't see a low-res period in either of the latter. I suspect the
OP didn't bother with the third video, notwithstanding the discussion
about it. Should I take it that the "HUGE" characters are just a
result of a period at 640x480 resolution?

> And just as M.
> Oss said, the text in the third video scrolls fairly briskly and the
> characters are ...
> Mattia Oss:
> >HUGE characters.
> >
> ... as one would expect with 80 columns by 25 rows on a widescreen
> display of that size.
> Now M. Oss and all of you get to play with the different ways that
> the VESA driver can do scrolling. (-:

But if the OP intended people to attend only to the rate at which
lines appear on the screen, then posting videos at 1920x1080 was
a waste of time for many, because the rate at which the video runs
is a function of the power of the recipient's computer. None of mine
are able to run these videos at all smoothly.


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