On Fri, 27 Jan 2017, Daniel Bareiro wrote:
> I thought about doing a test with MTR. Maybe it could provide some
> interesting information. This way I left in a later window an ssh
> connection to a server running htop, and a window ahead running MTR.
> When the window with htop freezes, MTR shows as a cascade failure from
> the cablemodem, turning red the hosts from this ( This
> stays red for about three or four seconds and then goes
> back to black.
> https://ibin.co/3AMfJ9PYCGJ4.png

Why is it getting packet loss to the *first* hop?  Wifi?  Do that test
using an ethernet connection...

> What do you think? Will it be a problem with the cablemodem?

I don't know which hop is your cable modem, but you need to explain the
first hop losing packets.  If it drops return packets that often, you
cannot assume where any loss after that one is happening: it could be
just their return packets being dropped by the first hop.

  Henrique Holschuh

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