Jimmy Johnson composed on 2017-01-15 13:43 (UTC-0800):

The 965 is only using "ro", the 4.8 and 4.9 kernel are installed but not
working. The 4.7.0-1 kernel works swell, if the newer kernel's are not
working later on I will do something else, like import another kernel
that will be updated.

ro has no remaining effect long before starting Xorg or sddm are attempted. From the man page:

        ro              [KNL] Mount root device read-only on boot

The ATI is basically working with the 4.8.0-2 kernel and with the 4.9
kernel if I assist it by pressing key's on the keyboard or it dies and
it's just using "ro".

Is Plymouth both required and installed on your systems? If installed and not required for your configuration, try disabling it, or removing it entirely.

The Nvidia has to use "ro nomodeset nouveau.modeset=0" and is working
swell with the 4.8.0-2 kernel but dies with the 4.9 kernel.

It seems as though you are equating the FOSS Xorg driver named modesetting with kernel modesetting (KMS). They are not the same thing.

The proprietary NVidia Xorg driver, unless something has changed lately that I'm unaware of, requires that KMS be disabled (exclusively via kernel cmdline???, such as nomodeset or *.modeset=0) in order for it to function. AFIAK, as I've never tried using it, AMD's proprietary drivers require the same.

Disabling KMS via kernel cmdline disables these FOSS Xorg drivers:


If you have a new enough (but not bleeding edge) "big 3" gfxchip, and have neither the NVidia nor AMD proprietary drivers or any of their remnants installed, nor any of the "big 3" FOSS Xorg video drivers installed, then the modesetting Xorg driver should be employed automatically, and probably sucessfully, at least for some definition of successful that does not include high performance gaming.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/

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