On Sat, 07 Jan 2017 08:18:51 +0100
solitone <solit...@mail.com> wrote:

> On Friday, January 6, 2017 9:52:13 PM CET David Wright wrote:
> > in your terminal, you'll probably find that
> > $ echo $DISPLAY
> > will give you :0 (locally) or localhost:10.0 (if you ssh into
> > another computer). So your terminal's xset command will be
> > happy without -display as it's got $DISPLAY instead.
> > [...]
> > I'm assuming that a systemd command that suddenly pops up from
> > nowhere will not have a suitable value for $DISPLAY.  
> OK, I see.
> I've ssh'd into the computer with the screen issue, and done some
> additional tests. I can switch off and on the monitor from ssh with
> the following commands ($DISPLAY is not set in shh):
> $ xset -display :0 dpms force off
> $ xset -display :0 dpms force on
> So, I turn the monitor off, hibernate, and resume, and I get the
> usual black screen. The system is up and running, as I can ssh into
> it. From ssh I give:
> $ xset -display :0 dpms force on
> but nothing happen. Even if I try:
> $ xset -display :0 dpms force off
> $ xset -display :0 dpms force on
> nothing happens either.
> So the behaviour I have from ssh is similar to what I get from a
> systemd script. The system is apparently up and running, but I can't
> turn the monitor on, neither from systemd, nor from ssh. Funny thing!

Is the screen truly off? If you look at it from unusual angles, can you
see any faint sign of the correct display?

I gave up trying suspend and hibernate on any Linux, as none of them
seem to work correctly. One effect I did see sometimes was that the
screen backlight was off, but the display was being operated correctly
and I could see, from some angles, the right screen material. I
couldn't find any way to turn on the backlight in this situation.


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