On Mon 26 Dec 2016 at 14:10:16 (-0600), Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 12/26/2016 2:02 PM, Brad Rogers wrote:
> >On Mon, 26 Dec 2016 13:46:15 -0600
> >Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:
> >
> >Hello Richard,
> >
> >>The only repository it has ever seen is DVD 1 of 13 of Debian
> >>8.6.0 ;!
> >
> >An idea occurs to me;
> >
> >Check where those "new" packages came from.  I suspect they're from the
> >last DVD you added to your repo database.
> >
> The universe of discourse is a specific set of Debian 8.6.0 dvds.

So when you run aptitude, is the first entry

--- Upgradable Packages ( )

and, if so, what number is in parentheses?

Also if so, what do you see when you select this item?
(ie press return on this item, then ↓ and return,
repeating until you reach actual package names.)
If you do reach a list of package names, with an appearance like so:

--\ Upgradable Packages (1)
  --\ video - Utilities to record, view, edit, and stream video files (1)
    --\ main - The main Debian archive (1)
i     get-iplayer                                   2.94-1         2.97-1

what packages does it want to upgrade, and from which version to which?

(It would be nice to have some concrete examples of what's being discussed.)


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