On Fri, 2016-12-23 at 23:16 +0100, Thomas Schmitt wrote:

> Hi,
> Nimrod wrote:
> > I see a "----+" in your permission. What is that, and how could I get it 
> > too?
> It indicates that there is a non-trivial ACL and that it is worth to run
> program getfacl to see all permissions.
>   $ getfacl /dev/sr0
>   getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
>   # file: dev/sr0
>   # owner: root
>   # group: cdrom
>   user::rw-
>   user:<my desktop user name>:rw-
>   group::rw-
>   mask::rw-
>   other::---
> I.e. my desktop user explicitely has rw permission independently of his
> group memberships.
> > > putting them all into group "cdrom".
> > They all are already.
> Consider Pascal Hambourg's theory that only the one can eject who mounted.
> If the automounter (udisks ?) acts on your desktop user's behalf or on
> its own user id, then permissions on the device file might be not enough
> to operate it.
> In this case you need to get your automounter under control.
> > sometimes I'm even prompted for
> > password to eject a CD I myself put into the drive!
> What happens if the various users perform the command
>   eject /dev/sr0
> in a shell terminal ? Especially the superuser should have success.

Here is what happens when another user issues the "eject" command:

umount: /media/andrea/CDROM: Permission denied
eject: unmount of `/media/andrea/CDROM' failed

As you surely expected, root can eject the cdrom instead.

> Maybe you can enable all your family members to perform
>   sudo eject /dev/sr0
> and provide some icon for this command on the desktop. (I assume family
> does not like shell commands.)

It would work, but that would also be rather unaesthetic. Nevertheless I
will try this approach as a last choice.

> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

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