On Thu 15 Dec 2016 at 10:41:58 +0100, Sven Hartge wrote:


> This seems all very complicated (it is), but because of the environment
> I work in (University) it is very important for us (and our users) to
> have more control over which email is rejected, trying to minimize false
> positives as much as possible while also trying to detect as much SPAM
> as possible. A very fine balance, to say the least.

It is (as you say) complicated but

1. Why is it important for *your university*?

2. Why is it important for your users?

The two are are not the same. For a start, users have no control over
your mail server. Secondly, users might want to receive every mail they
are sent, irrespective of what *you* think of its spamminess. After all,
it is their mail, not yours. There is no "fine balance" as far as a
user is concerned. Either they get the mail or they don't.

Thirdly, if you want to say "we control what mail we accept", that's
fine. But don't make it appear that you are doing a user a favour by
rejecting mail they do not mind getting. You may very well try to
eliminate false positives but that is not the same as allowing a user
to receive all the mail which is sent to him.

Users can control what mail they receive, of course. Why not leave it
up to them to decide?


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