On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 12:50 PM, Mark Neidorff <m...@neidorff.com> wrote:
> Sorry to seem stubborn, but I don't consider giving a user account full
> administrative access acceptable, even if there is only one user on the
> system. My reasoning is that by default if the user goes to a "naughty" web
> page and somehow downloads destructive software only the user's files are at
> risk. But, with full administrative access, the entire system (plus any
> attached networks) are at risk.

I do not think you are being stubborn. You do not have to give the
normal user ALL permissions. But you have to give him some permissions
to be able to install/update/remove packages. For example, I
configured my /etc/sudoers file such that my normal user account can
run apt-get and install packages. Giving ALL permissions just makes
things simpler but /etc/sudoers can be fine tuned to give just as much
as control as needed.

> Question: Is not allowing an administrative (software update)task to run
> when the root password is given a bug or is it by design? If by design, why?

I do not understand the question. I am not here to defend any
particular design choice. I can help you with how it can be done but
not why it should be done one way or another. That is beyond my

> I see two alternatives to your suggestion, neither of which is convenient.
> 1. When I get a notification, log off and then log in as root. Then when the
> updates are downloaded and applied, log back in as the user.

No. There is no need to logoff. For example, whenever I want to
install a package, I simply open a konsole and run

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install PKGNAME

as a normal user. When it asks for password, I supply the password of
my user account (not the password of the root account).

> 2. When I get a notification, use "su" to change to the root user and then
> do the updates.

That is one way. I find sudo a bit more easier than su. Since with
sudo, you do not even have to know the root password (once it is

> But, I have been using linux (and KDE) for a long time and up until now,
> when an update arrives I select to apply the update, give the root password,
> and the update is installed. Now, when I get an update notification and
> supply the root password to apply the update, the update is not applied. (I
> am returned to the password prompt)

hmm... no idea on this part. What program does KDE run when you try to
update packages? May be run it from command line and see if it gives
an error?

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi | http://raju.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Blog

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