on Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 09:24:16AM +0000, ben ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 20:50:09 -0800 "Karsten M. Self"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > on Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 04:49:14AM +0000, ben ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > wrote:

> yeah, i was one of those to whose addresses you felt yourself obliged
> to reply, off list--despite the fact that there is a defacto rule in
> existence among those who've been a certain time with the list, that
> unless a private response is specifically requested, the same is
> undesired. 

Praise publicly, critise privately.  Whatever.

Oddly enough, you didn't feel obliged to mention this at the time,
instead preferring:

    how about instead of you trying to control the behavior of others,
    you just control your own? don't read the thread if it doesn't
    interest you.  nobody is forcing you to read it.

That was in response to:

    Could you please restrict your d-u postings to on-topic subjects?

...highly inflammetory, doubtless.


In response, I referred you to the list charter, code of conduct, and

> > Several of the individuals who chose to dispute (at length) my
> > request with me made specific reference to anarchist principles.
> which magically entitles you to daub everyone  with the same
> brush--as, apparently you don't hold a lot of regard for anarchists
> (or perhaps its only the closet anarchists with whom you have an
> issue)?

Point.  Missed.  


> > I'd recommend you speak of what you know.  In this case, you are
> > beyond your depth.
> what is that supposed to mean? 

Several mails, from one respondant, raising the issue of anarchism.
Apparently at odds to playing within rules defined by a group.   I found
it telling.

> the issue is your manner; not what ever power you imagine yourself to
> have, whether real or otherwise. thanks for the advice. here's a
> thought in return: go outside more often; get some air while the sun
> is still up.
> i don't know if you've noticed but you've kinda already stepped in the
> same stuff you're accusing others of not cleaning from their shoe.

Check your feet while you're at it.

Both off-list and on, you've been particularly argumentative on this
subject.  I'll correct your mistatements, particularly as concerns me.
I have about as little interest in this topic otherwise as I did in the

> > If you choose to abuse the list and its subscribers, you'll find that
> > people chose to ignore your postings, either on a case-by-case basis,
> > or by technical means, including killfiles.  I also specifically
> > forwarded at least one message to a Debian project member as the
> > individual more or less explicitly begged to be removed from the list,
> > and I was unable to fulfill the reqeust.
> what? want to fill us in on "more or less...?"

You should be familiar with the words in question.  They were yours.
I'll allow you to breach your own confidence.

You'll also find <shift> keys at the left and right of your keyboard.
Use of same is encouraged.


Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
   LNX-BBC:  Bootable GNU/Linux -- Don't leave /home without it.

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