Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <h...@debian.org> writes:

> On Sat, 03 Dec 2016, Kamil Jońca wrote:
>> If I understand correctly, LVM have builtin RAID1 functionality.
>> And I wonder about migrating
>> lvm over md --> (lvm with raid1) over physical hard drive partitions.
>> Any cons?
> Yes, many.  Don't do it.

For example?

So far found by googling:
1. it's rather new code (yes I know that is md based, but integration
... in lvm)
2. very little community (so harder to get answers for questions)
3. lack of recovery advices (or I can't find them)
4. no "mdadm --monitor" equivalent (or I can't find)

but these can be only my inexperience or "code newness" :)
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