On Fri 02 Dec 2016 at 18:38:12 -0500, Jape Person wrote:                        
> On 11/30/2016 10:57 AM, do...@mail.com wrote:                                 
> >If you want you could try the Bother brand, there Linux support is
> >getting good from what I've read.                                            
> >                                        >
> Yes, I settled for a Brother MFC (MFC9340CDW) which is listed on
> openprinting.org as being supported, though still not officially included
> within foomatic. I suspect that their report of "perfect" support refers
> only to the printer, but I can make do with a printer and a copier if need    

The report (a user-contributed entry) says "works Perfectly". If you
were expecting "perfect" to mean "no non-free blobs" you are likely to          
be disappointed. Support for printing is offered by Brother. When you           
download their software you will agree that                                     
 ... Brother shall have no liability to disclose and/or distribute              
 the source code of the Software to User under any circumstances.               
 In no case shall the above license by Brother to modify, alter,                
 translate or otherwise prepare derivative works of the Software be             
 construed as Brother's implied agreement or undertakings to                    
 disclose and/or distribute the source code of the Software.                    
Frying pan -------->-------->--------> Fire                                     
> be. The thing even does direct scanning to and printing from Android          
> devices, so my wife's evil tablet can grab us a scan, if need be. And I do    
> know that -- if I change my mind about using a proprietary driver -- I can    
> always use the one that Brother supplies.                                     
> I had found an HP MFC that didn't require the plugin, but by then I was kind  
> of appalled by the direction that HP seems to be taking, and the Brother was
> cheaper and got very good reviews from CNET and PC Mag. Only time will tell   
> if it was a good choice.                                                      
Pragmatism in action.                                                           
Feline Felicitations

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