I have an interesting situation for which I have not found an answer, I've been pondering this for about two weeks.

I have two Nvidia cards: a 960 and a 1060. I am forced to use Ubuntu 16.04 when I would rather use Jessie.

When I install the nvidia driver package for Jessie or the one from Jessie-backports on Jessie, qemu with VGA passthrough to the 1060 locks up and does not function.

The same thing happens on Ubuntu 16.04 when installing the prebuilt package there.

Manually installing the driver on Jessie is the same. However, when I manually install the driver on 16.04; everything functions as it should.

There is no change in the VM settings. There is no change in the kernel that would cause the issue. 16.04 uses the exact same kernel in both cases and the exact same version of the nvidia driver - so it is not a kernel patch.

It has to be something in the nvidia driver package, that affects both Jessie and downstream Ubuntu 16.04, causing passthrough to fail and qemu to lock up.

For the life of me, I can't fathom what it is. The VFIO device nodes are present, and the card is properly bound - but it is acting like the card is in a busy state unless I manually install the driver on 16.04.

At this point, I can dig through the file-system looking for some minute change or I can ask for help.

Any thoughts?

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