Hi all;

Need to submit to the alibaba site, a movie demonstration the broken 
video coming out of an Orange-pi-plus-2e.

Camera is a Sony Digital Hi-8 Handycam, firewire interface.
Raw video is bulky as its a digital format, full resolution of 720x480. 
so its close to 6 gigabytes a running minute when captured over the 
firewire port.

The only movie editor we have, that can also control this camera for 
start/stop/capture etc, is kino. No other movie prosessing utility we 
have has ever been in the same county as a firewire port

Web submission site at aliexpress.com has no clue what to do with a a 
raw-dv file and refuses to take it as an evidence submission.

Kino, as in running on a fully uptodate wheezy, apparently can't find 
ffmpeg to make the conversion when I attempt to export this 1 minutes 
worth of raw-dv format video.  ffmpeg and all its friends are installed. 
But in kino, the whole page of mpeg4 options is ghosted out.

Does anybody have a clue what I should sniff about for next?

Thanks & Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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