Servus Pascal, > > I once read that it was possible to swap to a named file, rather than a > > swap partition. > > Is that possible with Jessie?
Creating (and using) a swapfile is easy, no problem in Jessie: sudo mkswap /swap.0 sudo swapon /swap.0 grep swap /etc/fstab /swap.0 swap swap defaults 0 > Swap to a file is possible but IIRC hibernate to a file is not possible. It is. In fact, I do it on my machine. Configuring it is not so easy, but again: google is your friend. Unfortunately, a few weeks ago, hibernating stopped working reliably here. I wrote to this list a few days ago, without any response :( So, hibernating to a swapfile (or a separate hibernation file) is possible, but it doesn't seem to be a good idea. I would recommend a swap partition. On my T61 with 4GB RAM and 128GB SSD, I have a 5GB swapfile. As gparted works very reliably, misjudging the size of the partition is only a small problem... So I consider switching from swapfile to a swappartition. cu -- Markus Grunwald