On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 06:50:19PM -0800, Henry Hollenberg wrote:
> The docs seem to imply that upgrading with this big a jump from
> 6.5 to 7.2 is dangerous.....even if I do it by hand like so:
> pg_dump mydatabase > dump.mydatabase
> destroydb mydatabase
> upgrade the database system to 7.2
> createdb mydatabase
> psql < dump.mydatabase

as long as you have the dump of your database, you'll at least
be able to restore your old database on the older version of the

the dump is all sql text, so you can make changes with an editor
(or perl for larger reformatting) to make it into what the newer
postgresql will accept.
____________________}John Flinchbaugh{______________________
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