On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 11:43:46AM +0000 or thereabouts, ben wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 10:42:31 +0100
> "Knut Willy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am a novice at Linux. Never used it, but want to teach myself.
> fair enough. good luck.


> first, whoever wrote that debian is the best choice for a novice was
> smoking out of the wrong end of his pipe. more competent commentators
> have said that it's not necessarily the linux to start with, but the one
> to end up with. very few tend to go with debian from the start, which
> doesn't mean you shouldn't give it a go. i'm sure there must be some
> here who did stick with it from the first try.
> if you're primarily interested in a linux distro that's easy to use, you
> might want to check out mandrake, which really holds your hand in every
> aspect of the installation. while that sounds like a good thing, it can
> end up feeling very restrictive, especially as one becomes more familiar
> with what a linux distribution should and can provide. that said,
> mandrake is a good place to start.

What's with you? I mean, Debian because of the text installer may be
a little intimidating, but it's not /that hard/. Instead of
recommending a different distro, why not be a good Debian advocate, and
recommend Debian based distros specifically meant for the desktop/home
user, <ie> Libranet? It's much better than Mandrake, in terms of both
engineering and stability. The current version of *Libranet* is not
free, however they have the last version free -- it's very easy to
install, and comes with fresher kernels than the vanilla Debian stable

Libranet review, a year old, and things have only improved:


When I was in school, I cheated on my metaphysics exam: I looked into
the soul of the boy sitting next to me.
                -- Woody Allen

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