hi everybody,
I configured my 6d camera to act as a Upnp server.
That works fine with Android clients, on my smartphone and my tablet:
I can browse the camera folders, display the pictures, download them.
On my Jessie PC, it's an other story, and even a nightmare, considering
the time I spent without any success.
I installed djmount and it works perfectly for any Upnp server, but the Canon 
I typed, according the djmount documentation:
=> sudo modprobe fuse
=> sudo djmount -o allow_other mnt
that seemed to work, as I got:
==> ls -l mnt

dr-xr-xr-x  4 root root 512 Jan  1  2000 Canon EOS 6D
-r--r--r--  1 root root  42 Jan  1  2000 devices
dr-xr-xr-x  6 root root 512 Jan  1  2000 Freebox Server
dr-xr-xr-x 10 root root 512 Jan  1  2000 pfr2:frenkiel

 I could then browse the 2 last servers, and display their content, but
 for the Canon ,after going to the folder containing the  pictures
 (Canon EOS 6D/SD/100CANON/1-100), ls -l gives:

-r--r--r-- 1 root root 7451144 Jan  1  2000 IMG_0017.JPG.jpg
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 7187837 Jan  1  2000 IMG_0018.JPG.jpg

which is confirmed by du -hs *:

7.2M    IMG_0017.JPG.jpg
6.9M    IMG_0018.JPG.jpg

Up to now, everything seems OK, but now:
==> file IMG_0017.JPG.jpg

    IMG_0017.JPG.jpg: HTML document, ASCII text, with no line terminators
==> cat IMG_0017.JPG.jpg

<html><body><h1>406 Not Acceptable</h1><hr><i>This response is generated by the UPeNdAV library 
with DlnaHttpd.</i></body></html>

Rather short, for a 7.2 M file!

Can anybody explain that?

best regards,
Pierre Frenkiel

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