> Am 01.10.2016 um 23:06 schrieb Bob Weber: > > Like I said backuppc uses incremental and full backups. The web > > interface lets you browse any backup (inc or full) and you see all the > > files backed up. I set the incremental for each day up to a week. So I > > have up to 7 of them. The full can kept for for however long you want. > > I currently keep 12 weekly, 8 bi-weekly and 4 monthly full backups so > > that covers almost a year.
I am not the op, but backuppc sounded pretty nice, so yesterday I tried to install it on both my Wheezy and Jessie systems. It didn't work (with different failures) on either system--I won't give much detail for now, but I'd just ask a few questions: * what system (what version of Debian) are you using? * should I expect that it will properly configure a web server (on the Wheezy system it talked about apache2, iirc), or must I have a properly configured web server before installing backuppc? Some cryptic notes on the failures: On wheezy, I thought the installation completed successfully--it ran something it called a script, and, in or after the script it gave me a url to log in to manage backuppc along with a username and password. When I tried to go to that URL, using either http or https on either of my browsers, it gave me a 404 error. On jessie, it apparently did not complete the installation, it told me it could not run that initial script. Suggestions?