On Mon, 19 Sep 2016 09:34:33 +0100, Brian wrote:

>On Sun 18 Sep 2016 at 18:10:39 -0400, brian wrote:
>> My dear old Laserjet 5N finally having died, I bought an HP Laserjet
>> P1109w to replace it. I have managed to install it to the extent that
>> it's recognised (USB connection, not wireless) but the problem is that
>> it apparently needs a *proprietary* plug-in to print properly. 
>> I have H-Ps installer, and everything goes OK up to the point at which
>> it goes to an unspecified H-P site to download the plug-in. The
>> installer then claims that the file it tried to download has an
>> invalid checksum and may have been modified, and that's it, the
>> program exits. Substantially the same thing happens if I use hp-plugin
>> outside of the installer, it just tells me that it can't download the
>> file due to an invalid checksum. 
>> H-P support are as much use as a chocolate teapot, all they will do is
>> to point me back to the site where I can download the installer again.
>> I have tried to point out to them that it appears to be a corrupted
>> file on their website (if I believe the error message!) but it gets me
>> nowhere. 
>To be fair to HP they make it crystal clear how Linux printing support
>is provided:
>  http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/support.html
>You might want to co-operate with the process and report your problem as
>a question if it persists.

The installer clearly identifies the problem as a corrupted file on
H-P's (unnamed) website. But OK, I have tried it the way you suggest,
let's see whether it gets me anywhere. I had hoped that (contacting
H-P support directly) the response might have been "OK, we'll refresh
the copy of the file/checksum" (I'm assuming the checksum is taken
from an associated file) but obviously that was a fit of unwarranted

>> Anybody got any ideas before I package the printer up and send it back
>> to Amazon to exchange it for another brand? I'm using 64-bit testing,
>> should anyone feel that makes a difference.
>1. Go to
>     https://www.openprinting.org/download/printdriver/auxfiles/HP/plugins/
>   and download the latest *.run.
>2. 'mkdir plugin' and move your file into it.
>3. The file is a shell script containing needed plugins and other files.
>   Make it executable with 'chmod 755 *.run' and look at its help with
>   './*.run -h'.
>4. Check what you are going to install by using './*.run --tar vxf' to
>   extract the files from the script.
>5. Install with './*.run'. Only this final step needs root privilege.

Thank you very much, that all worked, given an extra step of removing
HPLIP and installing the version I downloaded from the URL which you
gave (the version I had installed was from the Debian repos, that one
apparently wasn't correctly detected by the plugin software). Why the
original installer couldn't refer me to that website, I have no idea. 


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