On approximately Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 11:50:04PM -0500, Roberto Sanchez wrote:
> Scarletdown wrote:
> >Has anyone here managed to successfully get Debian
> >working on an A7N8X Deluxe 
> >motherboard?  I especially need to make sure that both
> >on-board NICs (nVidia nForce MCP 
> >and 3Com 3C920B-EMB), and the on-board sound (nVidia
> >nForce) will work.
> >
> -Roberto

I have been using a A7N8X Deluxe with Debian for about a month now and
have been extremely happy with it.  One thing to remember is to boot
with "noapic nolapic" kernel parameters.  Do some googling if you want
to know more.  I have been using the forcedeth driver for a week now and
nothing has broken yet, 3com nic works as expected, and onboard sound is
great.  I haven't even tried any 2.4 kernels but I am pretty sure it
isn't a problem.  I too have been using the nvidia video drivers since
they first came out and I would not hesitate to recommend virtually any
nvidia graphics card for use with linux.  It may be binary-only drivers,
but that is pretty much what you have to live with to get GLX
accelerated graphics.  

Josh McKinney                |  Webmaster: http://joshandangie.org
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