Hello, Eduard! =) I'd like to help if I can. Whatever I suggest, please do not think me condescending or elitist. I do not mean to sound that way, it is just sometimes I have a harder time explaining things than I would like.
Your Nvidia 750 Ti card is well supported, and so getting it working should present no problem. First, I would like to answer your questions and concerns. >But the video card I have is not ok. It's a Nvidia Geforce 750Ti >(passive cooling), it works quite well with the Nouveau drivers but >there are too many glitches in 3D games, some are basically not >playable. The Nouveau drivers do not fully support OpenGL 4 as yet. Most commercial games expect you to use the commercial Nvidia driver rather than Nouveau. >This makes me think, is AMD a better alternative? Not really. There is currently a significant gap in support coverage of AMD cards. The older FGLRX driver is not usable with the current version of X11, and the new AMDGPU driver only supports certain hardware. In my opinion, you are far better of with Nvidia when it comes to games right now. Studios that are porting AAA games to Linux only support Nvidia for the most part. Examples would be XCOM2 or Shadows of Mordor. >I really don't want to troll but this makes me wonder... am I missing >something? Or does AMD give a s...t about users unless they are >running the latest Ubuntu LTS and nothing else? You probably have a error in the way you are installed. =) We can fix that. AMD has a lot of video support issues right now. I can't say what they have in mind, but given that they have always been a very strong Linux supporter, I gather that this support problem is not the way they normally are. > what else can a normal gamer do? I'll do my best to get you up and running. I checked and your card is supported. Before we start, I feel obligated to mention that Sid is rough around the edges and you should expect some problems from time to time. Debian Stable is a far better choice if you want reliable behaviour. You should probably avoid using Debian Experimental packages unless you are a programmer. Experimental is a staging area for developers. The packages are not fully integrated into Debian yet, and can easily blow up in your face. I've found that the best way to get the Nvidia driver working successfully is to follow a chain of steps. Hopefully, this will help you. If at any point you need more information, please ask me as much as you like. 1. First, add 32 bit support. This will make sure that Steam games work properly. Then install Steam, but do not start it yet. sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install steam 2. Install the module headers and compiler, so that installing the driver always works. sudo apt-get install module-assistant sudo m-a prepare 3. Install the tested Nvidia driver and setup utilities. Because Steam is installed, the 32 bit driver support should automatically be enabled as well. sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver nvidia-settings nvidia-xconfig 4. Setup the base configuration for X11. sudo nvidia-xconfig 5. Reboot. The new driver should start automatically. After that log in, and if you want to, you can reconfigure it with nvidia-settings as you see fit. I hope this helps you. If there is anything I can do, please ask me - on or off the list as you need.