On Thu, 04 Aug 2016 07:29:23 -0500 John Hasler sent:

> David writes:
> > I ran two desktops on two screens/graphics cards in fvwm for many
> > years and the boundary between them was impermeable.  
> That has been my experience running four FVWM desktops with sixteen
> viewports each on my machine and also on my wife's machine.  Programs
> do sometimes open in other viewports  but I've never had one show up
> on the wrong desktop, and I've never found a way to move them there.

        After contemplation, my reply is:

So there are four desktops labelled as described in my previous post,
and the four within those labelled desktops are called view ports.

Thank you for that clarification.

In the words of Confucius:

All wisdom is rooted in learning to call things by the right name. When
things are properly identified, they fall into natural categories and
understanding becomes orderly.

So my original post should have read:

Chromium jumps onto different desktops and view ports, at random and as
it pleases. Not on the view port of the desktop on which it was opened.

Thank you.

Be well,
        Registered Linux User:- 329524

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