On Aug 1, 2016, at 5:43 PM, David Christensen <dpchr...@holgerdanske.com> wrote:

> On 08/01/2016 12:14 PM, Nicolas George wrote:
>> Try starting « dmesg -w » before plugging the drive, and observe the error
>> messages that the kernel will start throwing out.
> 2016-08-01 17:36:18 dpchrist@i72600s ~
> $ dmesg -w
> dmesg: invalid option -- 'w'
> David

What version of the util-linux package are you using?

Please see us the output of
    aptitude versions util-linux

Jessie seems to have 2.25.2-6, while Stretch has 2.28-6.  Maybe the “-w” (alias 
“—follow”) option was added between the two?

But, when I try it on either Jessie or Stretch, I get the expected stream of 
messages…  Hmmm.

The man page says:
>        -w, --follow
>               Wait for new messages.  This feature is supported only on 
> systems with  a  readable  /dev/kmsg  (since  kernel
>               3.5.0).

Which suggest that your kernel doesn’t have the feature, being prior to 3.5.0.

In any case, you might be able to get the same results by doing

    dmesg > /tmp/part1
    … do your experiments …
    dmesg > /tmp/part2
    diff /tmp/part1 /tmp/part2

Worth a try, anyway…

If it works, look for messages about I/O errors and see if the surrounding 
messages give any clues to what is going on.

Do you get the same problem if you use a USB2 socket instead of the second 
USB3?  Maybe the mainboard can’t handle the data rate from two simultaneously 
active USB3 ports?


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