I _KNOW_ I'm doing an *ATYPICAL* install.
I *REQUIRE* Grub to be its own partition.
The Debian 8.4 installer at least recognizes that some users would desire Grub to be in its own partition.

"Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide" [https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/] effectively ignores the issue. Install the Grub Boot Loader on a Hard Disk says only:
...By default, grub will be installed into the Master Boot Record (MBR), where it will take over complete control of the boot process. If you prefer, you can install it elsewhere. See the grub manual for complete information. ...

It does not even give a link for "grub manual" [e.g. http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html] which says in Section 3.4 "...or the core image can be installed in a file system and a list of the blocks that make it up can be stored in the first sector of that partition."

I assumed that as the installer explicitly gave the option it would handle the details. It apparently did not.

After install, I am dumped into GRUB's rescue mode
"set" responds

"ls" responds
(hd0) (hd0,msdos5) (hd0,msdos2) (hd0,msdos1)

The title in readme.txt on the installation DVD reads "Debian GNU/Linux 8.4.0 "Jessie" -
    Official i386 DVD Binary-1 20160402-13:26"

I had set aside sda1 [2GB ext2] for grub.
Examining sda1 with a live edition of GPARTED shows ~33 MB has been written to it. Examining it with a live edition of Debian 7 shows no files, hidden or not.

Where will I find the missing details?

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