On Mon 25 Jul 2016 at 10:34:11 (-0500), limpia wrote:
>  I have been following this thread, it seems to be drifting
> into another topic, but any way, I just wanted to comment,
>  I never did like either Gimp or Inkscape, and have tried all
> sorts of other "graphics programs", but none come close to the
> versatility, and user friendliness that ImageMagick has, with
> ImageMagick I can do whatever I need to do quickly and easily.

I've used ImageMagick for resizing/cropping/annotating
pictures in which the annotations are in a fixed position
(eg placing names on a mugshot gallery), where the CLI
approach works well, and with a bash for loop to automate it.

But has ImageMagick changed to include an interactive
interface since I last did that? How would I place an
arrow and text onto a photograph where the position of
the annotations is determined by looking at the layout
of the subjects in the picture itself?


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