On Saturday 23 July 2016 08:01:37 deloptes wrote:

> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Greetings all
> >
> > I did, after 20 minutes of screwing around, finally get it to use a
> > selected foreground color for the text.
> >
> > But when I hit the help menu, up pops the help for 2.6!  So I fire
> > up synaptic and check to see if I am out of date, because the
> > "context help" doesn't work at all.  Yup, I'm up to date allright,
> > got gimp-2.8.2 but the doc files are for 2.6.x.  Debian wheezy at
> > your service, NOT.
> >
> > Anyway, the next problem is that I can't find a tool that will let
> > me draw freehand lines so I can make a few arrows that point from a
> > line of text to a feature in the image.  Or maybe even draw a
> > balloon around the text pointing at the feature.
> >
> > Did this train lose its conductor a few stops back?  Or how can I
> > back it up to when it Just Worked(TM) quite a bit of the time?
> >
> > Cheers, Gene Heskett
> Hi,
> I'm not member of the gimp list and don't want to be, so I just
> removed them.
> About your query. I prefer using Xfig in cases (probably) like yours.
> As you mentioned, you want something to point (arrow) to something.
> And knowing from previous posts, you are not a Rembrand type, I can
> suggest using Xfig. I am not a Rembrand type as well and I prefer
> importing images in Xfig, making arrows, objects with text etc,
> drawing different types of charts. It takes some time to learn (same
> for gimp or double for both), but I can say that I enjoy it.
> regards

Unfortunately, I just installed it, looks capable, but cannot open 
a .jpg?  Showstopper right there, since the output would go on a web 
page to be viewed by all lookers.

Not too unsurprising given the copyright dates it displays on startup.  A 
strange video format, unsupported by common viewing utilities, is a 
showstopper no matter how good it might look on my screen. It seems to 
me that by now a good utility from 1985, should have grown import/export 
from/to jpeg by 2016 even if the internal format is different. They have 
had less than the elapsed 31 years to work on it of course since the jpg 
std was only finalized in 2000, but thats still 16 years.

I am glad it works well for you, but I can't use it.

To aid me, someone sent me a link to an arrow generator that worked right 
well, So the photo series is now captioned and visible on my web page.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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