On Wed 20 Jul 2016 at 15:56:10 +0200, Hans wrote: > I tried a lot of options, and found out, that the best solution IMO is > "umtskeeper", which includes sakis3g. Nice gui, very easy to use, and works > like a charm. And it is free!
It doesn't look DFSG free. http://mintakaconciencia.net/squares/umtskeeper/#license For the purpose of including UMTSkeeper or portions thereof in GNU GPL licensed projects, UMTSkeeper is also licensed under the GPL. You may distribute UMTSkeeper or derivatives under the GNU GPL, provided that **your distribution is also subject to the HESSLA**. The emphasis is not mine. Being subject to the HESSLA means ...you will not use this software for infringement of human rights or the right to privacy. You will not use this software for surveillance purposes or to otherwise spy on people, neither for doing any harm to a human being.