On Sat 09 Jul 2016 at 16:41:24 -0400, Stephen Powell wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 9, 2016, at 16:00, Brian wrote:
> > 
> > All well and good but the installer inexplicably offers a choice between
> > GRUB and LILO. The installer manual is unhelpful on which to choose. A
> > newcomer wouldn't have a clue. We do them no service with this retrograde
> > offering. Get rid of it.
> > 
> > What is the point of a choice? Just offer GRUB; it is the bootloader for
> > Debian and  has many advantages over LILO in todayss Linux ecosystem.
> > People who have a great desire to use LILO can search it out.
> > 
> > Unmaintained in Debian, The bit-rot starts here.
> I am not a member of the Debian installer team, and I am not authorized to
> speak for them.  However, I will make the observation that LILO used to be
> the default boot loader, indeed the only boot loader at one point, in the
> Debian installer for i386/amd64.  I suspect that LILO has been retained as
> an option in the Debian installer for that reason.

Historical reasons for doing something aren't necessarily bad reasons
but there comes a time when a reassessment of what goes into the
installer has to be made. For example, Stretch drops quite a few of what
in Jessie are Standard utilities. Not on technical grounds but because
of their usefulness to most users.

> The lilo package is maintained in Debian.  It's maintainer is Joachim Wiedorn.
> He is also the upstream maintainer.  He has ceased active development of
> lilo, but I believe he still accepts bug reports.  And if he wants rid of it,
> I know a couple of people who are interested in taking it over, myself 
> included.
> So I'm not concerned about it's maintenance status.  As long as there are
> PCs with a BIOS, or a CSM, lilo will remain usable.  If the BIOS/CSM goes,
> lilo goes with it.  lilo can't function without a BIOS/CSM.  But for UEFI-only
> systems, there's elilo as a grub alternative.

That's a good reason for keeping LILO in Debian. I would hope it doesn't

> Long live choice!

For choice to exist it does not have to be presented as such in the

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