Brian wrote:
Giovanni Gigante seems happy enough with LiLo and there appears to be
no definite indication that it would fail to boot an upgraded machine.
He could consider leaving it in place, reading the bug reports and
having a plan to install GRUB should something go wrong afterwards.
At the end, I decided to try the upgrade to jessie with LiLo (24.1) in
place. I thought that the probability of hitting some bug caused by the
interaction between LiLo and the upgraded distribution was less than the
probabily of causing some damage by switching the bootloader (for
example, by messing up the RAID configuration) since I've never
configured Grub before. Also, the golden heuristic of "if it ain't
broke, don't fix it", and the fact that this particular Debian upgrade
is also switching from the init scripts to systemd, so I did not want to
introduce even more changes in the boot process for the moment.
Apparently, it worked.
Perhaps, in the future, I'll also upgrade the bootloader, one rainy
afternoon :-)