On Mon 04 Jul 2016 at 17:58:58 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:

> On Monday 04 July 2016 17:21:29 deloptes wrote:
> >
> > I've been using the ipw2200 for few years on one siemens-fujitsu notebook
> > with out issues. There was first debian and then ubuntu on it. Strange that
> > you can not suddenly connect.
> If the card has died it would explain it!! n It has been running fine for 
> years, but things do, sadly, die.


> > Perhaps you can try with a live ubuntu just to see if it works
> Trying now - will send this now and report back again in a while after I have 
> loaded something as heavy as Ubuntu-anything onto such an old laptop!!!

A featherweight five minute test could be run with a netinst image. No
need to go beyond configuring the network stage. Unlike a full install
netcfg is used. If the wireless card is not detected you have a very
big problem. But why shouldn't it be? iwconfig managed it after all!

If it doesn't get configured and connected the problem becomes tractable.

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