Le septidi 17 messidor, an CCXXIV, Dan Purgert a écrit :
> As I recall it ...
>  - prefix ("en" | "wl") indicates whether it's [e]ther[n]et or [wl]an.  
>  - p# indicates the PCI Bus it's on
>  - s# indicates the slot on that PCI Bus
> it's all part of the "new" udev/systemd naming, because it's "better"
> (IMO, "better" would've been locking the devices as they do, but keeping
> eth0 / wlan0 / etc naming conventions).  Thankfully, you can tell udev
> to shove off, and keep the names as "eth#" and "wlan#" if you so choose.

I think the point of the new naming scheme is not to have people use them
but to give admins a well needed kick in the arse so that they will actually
CHOOSE a name instead of relying on the automatically-generated kernel name.

This is the same logic for filesystems: the trend since several years is to
push for logical volume names or filesystem labels instead of relying on
drive letter and partition name.

This is a better policy because the chosen name actually means something
while the letters and numbers not only mean nothing but also could change if
the wind blew too hard, usually at the worst possible time.

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