
> I'm getting a Connection refused error (Mozilla 1.5, Firebird 0.6.1, Konquerer 
> 3.1.3, Lynx...) when trying to accesss some sites from my testing/unstable 
> box, for example http://www.simpleware.co.uk/.
> I assume it might be some network protocol problem because I have no problem 
> connecting from Win with the same box.  Any suggestions?

Some information required in order to narrow down the problem:

* network connectivity is ok for other sites, eg. http://www.debian.org  ?
* output of "traceroute http://www.simpleware.co.uk";
* output of "route -n"  (as root)
* "wget http://www.simpleware.co.uk/";  working?
* local firewall installed ("iptables -L")

It seems that http://www.simpleware.co.uk/ is firewalled and does
not reply to an icmp echo request, i.e. ping does not work. Maybe
this is a hint.

Cheers, Thomas

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