> 5. Assess the damage. Glance at the output of 'dpkg -l | less'. Is X
>    still about? The desktop? Anything obvious missing? Look at the files
>    in /var/log/apt. All packages removed and installed are recorded.
>    Supposedly aptitude also logs?

I used the log file and edited it that way, that I took all the packagages from 
it and made an "aptitude reinstall" in front of the package list.

So I can be sure, all packages, which were uninstalled are now reinstalled.
As you did not use the switch "purge", I suppose, all configuration files are 
still existent.

For easy editing I am using kwrite, which has the ability to fill out vertical 
rows, not only in horizontal (like normal editors do).

Large rows I do fill with a unusual sign (i.e. a "#"). Later, when there is a 
"#" in each line, it can easily be successed with any other string you need, 
for example "aptitude reinstall -y".

Maybe this is an unusual way to fix a broken system, but doing so makes it very 
easy for me.

Just my 2 cents.....

Good luck 


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