On Sunday 05 June 2016 11:54:02 Lisi Reisz wrote: > On Sunday 05 June 2016 14:58:39 Gene Heskett wrote: > > I find entirely too often on linux, that the help > > tut from that menu pulldown is missing an annoying percentage of the > > time. > > Well, it's open source, Gene. Learn how to use it then write the > docs. Or pay a technical author to learn how to use it by trial and > error, blood sweat and tears, and then write the docs. I know a good > one, who would I am sure, enjoy learning how to use libreCAD, and then > writing about it, but has to earn his bread and butter, and already > spends a lot of his time on Open Source projects. > > Too many of us complain at what other people don't do with their spare > time. Me included. > > Lisi
Guilty too I fear Lisi. OTOH, something that works well and has a donate button on its web page, has found me clicking on the donate as long as the questionair to do so isn't a data gatherer to be sold to a spammer. When they want my unlisted phone number and mailing address is usually where I draw the line and close the page. But if its an https page, and only wants my name as shown on the card, the card numbers, and how much, or has a paypal setup, then sure I'll donate. I don't mind buying some decent breakfast bacon for the coder, but I'll be damned if I'll enhance a spammers ability to trash my phone, inbox or mailbox. I own all 3, and I'm paying the bill to have the connectivity. They are freeloaders IMO. Cheers, Gene Heskett -- "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." -Ed Howdershelt (Author) Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>