On Fri, 03 Jun 2016 15:05:08 +0100
Ron Leach <ronle...@tesco.net> wrote:

> List, good afternoon,
> Have any debian-user readers ever tried to create a list of all the 
> email messages stored in an IMAP folder?

Sorry if you're a determined non-programmer, but the quickest approach
might be a perl or php script. It's probably ten years ago now, but I recall
using php running on a remote web server to pick out MySQL transaction
emails from an IMAP server, decrypt and validate the SQL commands and
poke them into a local MySQL database linked to some php display pages,
deleting the email once the transaction was completed.

If you don't have someone who can do this quickly, it's probably not
practical. If it is, you get exactly what you want, not something
'nearly right' off the shelf, which changes after the next version


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