On 2016-06-01, Erwan David <er...@rail.eu.org> wrote:
>       Hi,
> I just installed a testing in a VM, with KDE. I have a french keyboard
> wich works in console and once kde is started.  However, sddm uses a
> US keyboard mapping. Switching to theme Circle, I can see that it is
> the only mapping proposed.  What can the problem be, and how can I
> change/add  keyboard layout for sddm ?
> Thank you.

You edit file
and write
setxkbmap "your layout"

(shamelessly pilfered from the innertubes--hope it's helpful).

Hypertext--or should I say the ideology of hypertext?--is ultrademocratic and
so entirely in harmony with the demagogic appeals to cultural democracy that
accompany (and distract one’s attention from) the ever-tightening grip of 
plutocratic capitalism. - Susan Sontag

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