On Wed 25 May 2016 at 08:04:27 (+1200), cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz wrote:
> On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 03:20:32PM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> > On Tue 24 May 2016 at 01:13:34 (+1200), cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz wrote:
> > > On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 11:11:27AM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > But I am only using <quote from the configuration> us-ascii, 
> > > > iso-8859-1, utf-8 
> > > > (locale)  and utf-8</quote>, with a locale of en_GB.UTF-8, so not very 
> > > > abstruse in view of the fact that I have correspondents in, and 
> > > > therefore 
> > > > correspondence from, Japan, Greece and Israel in addition to the 
> > > > Anglo-Saxon 
> > > > countries.
> > > 
> > > I'm running utf8 also, but if your font can't display the chars/glyphs 
> > > then
> > > it won't help.
> > 
> > If I’m not mistaken, it’s *your* font that’s lacking the necessary
> > glyphs, like ’. What is it, BTW?
> I didn't think someone would read it that way. I was meaning "your" in a
> general way, not explicitly meaning Lisi's font. 
> What is the systemd command to show the font being used on the console?
> (hint ... /etc/vconsole.conf doesn't exist)
> After a bit of googling, It seems to be done via the console-setup package
> which I don't have installed! Weird.

Its priority is optional, so there's no pressing need to have it.

AFAICT there are a number of fonts used in the early stages of
booting. The first is obviously nothing to do with linux as it
comes with the BIOS and is "normal" size, perhaps 80 chars across
the screen.

The next font is grub's and I think it must be unifont as it has
almost everything I can think of. On my laptop, it's quite small,
perhaps 120 chars wide.

After grub with 'Loading Linux 3.16.0-4-686-pae ...'
'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
I get "Loading, please wait..." from initrd's init. It's written in a
normal size, but then the screen is reset, leaving it much smaller.
I assume that's the kernel's own compiled-in font.

After a load of messages have scrolled past, the console-setup
font is selected, and the screen changes to that font (losing
everything above that point in the scrollback buffer).

So I would assume that your tty was running with the kernel font.
I can only guess that that comes from the fonts in
drivers/video/console if you're running wheezy. I'm not sure
where they are in jessie. However, the ones in whezzy are small,
with a smattering of European diacriticals, greek, box-drawing
glyphs, blobs, and the all-important playing card glyphs.

> So I installed the console-setup package and chose (eventually):
> UTF <OK>
> Guess optimal character set <OK>  
> TerminusBold <OK>
> 8x16 <OK>
> and the wee squares disappeared (at least in this mail, I've deleted 
> the others in this thread.)
> So, actually the answer to your question is that I have no idea what font 
> I was running on this system to give the "wee squares"
> If I choose Terminus instead of TerminusBold, then the ’ changes to a sort
> of D shape with a squiggle on top! I'm guessing the char was a right
> side single curly quote, that you posted David?

Yes (and I don't normally type them into emails).

> Although, IIRC, the typographical single quotes and double quotes are a
> rather peculiar case anyway.

Well, they ought not to be as they're some of the commonest
punctuation characters in any literature (though not text emails).


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