For the record, at least in my experience now, grub nor lilo will install
from the Jessie netinst if you manually partition the drive instead of
guided and then editing the layout. Maybe guided sets up the MBR or sda1 in
such a way that you cant from part an? Idk but after guided parting then
customizing grub installed fine. Unfortunately, after a day of operation,
my session developed an error where it can't write to /tmp, btw I had
separate root home var and temp partition, as well as swap, and thus will
not proceed past KDE's login it just perpetually reboots.  Installing AGAIN
because nothing in recovery helped, even clearing nearly all data from
/tmp. Going to stick with just a root home and swaps partition now, mostly
so I can encrypt home from inside the Os as well as encryption preboot.
Hoping that'll solve any problems with tmp, and if not idk what to do. This
is going to be my third successful reinstall within a week....things like
this aren't going to corrupt my entire drive will it? I also had an error
where it wouldn't mount /var but i fixed that simply by three fingers
salute reboot instead of power button on the laptop, as turning it off that
way seems to be what caused it to not remount var properly. Also, lilo
works just fine with today's systems, like one guy said. It's what I was
using before I decided to try and make a dual boot, which I gave up on as
grub simply would recognize whichever encrypted partition I installed on Os
in first once the second was installed.
On May 19, 2016 12:42 PM, "Hugo Vanwoerkom" <> wrote:

> Lisi Reisz wrote:
>> On Wednesday 18 May 2016 19:57:00 Marc Shapiro wrote:
>>> On 05/17/2016 09:13 PM, J Mo wrote:
>>>> lilo is ultra-ancient. I don't even know if it works with modern
>>>> kernels.
>>> Lilo definitely still works with current kernels.  I started out using
>>> lilo 17 or 18 years ago and I am still using it now under Jessie and
>>> kernel vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-amd64.
>> Can one still use grub-legacy with modern kernels?
> Indeed. I run uptodate Sid with Super Grub Disk based on Grub 0.97-0s1 on
> a USB key of 2G.
> Hugo

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