On Thursday 19 May 2016 04:14:55 to...@tuxteam.de wrote:

> On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 10:45:12PM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> > I feel I've been warned off commenting here in case I come across as
> > a pontificating know-it-all who's insisting that you do everything
> > in "My Way" [...]
> ;-)
> Yes, I totally agree with David's analysis here. The problem is
> the "mv", and the root is in /opt's permissions. Since the script
> didn't change, /opt must have been writable by gene in the past,
> and not in the present.

Apparently true, but it ran just fine, on this install, back on Mar 18, 

> Opt's permissions (04755) are "correct", by default /opt shouldn't
> be world writable. You might "fix" your problem by making it so,
> but you should know the other side of the deal (is this a public
> Web server?

Yes, its the link in the sig.

> What if someone hijacks the Apache -- or one of its 
> underling CGI scripts and starts scribbling over /opt? Things like
> that).

That apache2 is running bare bones, I don't use any cgi stuff at all.

I changed it to 0777 long enough to be run, then put it back to 0755.

> What I'd do
> Consider making a subdirectory of /opt dedicated to whatever you
> are doing with these scripts and setting its ownership to gene
> (start as restricted as possible with that and widen as necessary,
> e.g. to make parts of it readable to www-data via the group as your
> scripts seem to do already.
> regards
> -- tomás

That sounds doable, when I wake again.  Thanks Tomas.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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