On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 11:02:25 -0500 (EST)

> hi folks,
> i have a problem with authenticating at a ms proxy server from linux.
> the m$ proxy only accepts users which are in the sam of nt server
> the user to be authenticated is in the sam but m$ requires a domain to
> be specified with the username in the manner of domain\username or
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] . how can i get apt to authenticate like that.

Howdy Bruce,

In root's .bashrc (since apt-get upgrade has to be run as root), or in
/etc/environment you should be able to add lines similar to the


/etc/environment should allow all users on the system to use the proxy,
where root's .bashrc will only tell programs running as root to use the
proxy. Also, if you add the lines to root's .bashrc, you will want to
add the word "export" on the lines for the proxy settings, so it would
look something like "export http_proxy...".


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