On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 01:13:02AM +0200, Rodary Jacques wrote:
> Le jeudi 12 mai 2016, 21:55:24 Liam O'Toole a écrit :
> > On 2016-05-12, soko.tica <soko.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > --001a1146456672df2d0532a72b01
> > > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> > > 
> > > Hello list,
> > > 
> > > I need to install a package (php54) on a VM running debian jessie (Here is
> > > why https://www.virtualmin.com/documentation/web/multiplephp ). I have
> > > managed to install rhscl-php54-epel-6-x86_64-1-2.noarch.rpm through alien
> > > package, but don't know how to isntall
> > > php54 php54-php-mysqlnd. Repo rhscl isn't in /etc/apt/sources.list but in
> > > /etc/yum.repos.d/ and I wasn't able to find php54 php54-php-mysqlnd. Any
> > > help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> > 
> > You are trying to install Red Hat packages on a Debian OS. What's more,
> > you are tring to install packages from Red Hat Software Collections,
> > which require manipulation of their environment to run properly. You'd
> > be much better off doing that on a CentOS machine.
> > 
> > Otherwise, prepare to enter a world of pain. :)
>       If alien (which is a Debian software, isn't it) says you can, why not? 
> You just need to 
> be careful, trying a fake install first (dpkg --noinstall --no-act). I 
> switched to Debian for that kind 
> of safety, being tired to note all my changes and go back painfully 
> afterwards. I remember 
> (1998-99) when I installed gnome-0.nn ten times! But I can't live without 
> BSD-games ( try "cal 
> 09 1752" (even MacOsX has it) and "pom 2712" it's unforgettable) nor without 
> xanim to read 
> old Quicktime CDs from an USB stick! I don't think Debian needs worship!
>       Jacques

Alien is a last resort: if you have any other way to do this, do it.

RH SCL is also a repository to add things to Red Hat Enterprise Linux that are 
more up to date because RHEL is intended to be unconditionally 
stable and unchanging. Installing SCL packages on RHEL is not guaranteed to be 
tested or to work well: this is intended for developers who
absolutely, positively have to get something that is more up to date to build 
other software.

Apt and yum are orthogonal - so /etc/yum/repos.d created by yum utilities 
inside Debian is not guaranteed to work. Likewise, anything installed
through alien may conflict with corresponding Debian versions since alien 
doesn't necessarily inform apt and vice versa.

CentOS 6 is also now stable with no further development: so php 5.4 on CentOS 6 
is not going forward because there will be no change in CentOS 6
as it goes into extended support.

PHP 5.6 is current in Debian Jessie. Having checked Virtualmin's install script 
- just use their installer for goodness sake: it sorts out
the dependencies you need. If you really, really must reverse engineer this 
sort of stuff, do it in a CentOS VM on your Debian machine.

Actually take the time and read Virtualmin's install.sh - it's a shell script: 
learn from it?

All the best,


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