Le vendredi 13 mai 2016, 08:31:55 Paolo Cavallini a écrit :
> Hi all,
> my Libreoffice fails to generate a series of document starting froma a
> template and a database. It used to work, but historically it has always
> been a fragile solution. For instance, I was never able to send the
> resulting document to a series of email addresses.
> I suspect this is due to Debian version using a different JVM from the
> official one (I assume if this would be an upstream issue this would
> have been noticed and probably fixed long ago).
> Is someone able to use this function?
> All the best, and thanks a lot.
Try convert your docs in .doc (not readable in recent MsOffice), .docx (not
readable in old
MsOffice :-) )or better in pdf, where the p stands for portable, remember. Or
best learn LaTex
to generate wonderful PDF docs.